Posts Tagged “Hunting”

Looking for the perfect gift or stocking stuffer for your hunter? You’ve come to the right place! Give them the gift of adventure with one of J. Alain Smith’s hunting books, or the endless action found in the Matt Simmons novel series! Each book purchased is $5.00 off when you use promo code 5-OFF (NO LIMIT / E-books excluded). Order today for free shipping (US only).

Did you know that Safari Club International sells my books on their website too?! And when you buy from them, the proceeds they receive help fund all the important work SCI does for conservation and hunters like you an me. AND, while you’re there, be sure you BUY/RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP! Click HERE to place your book order now!

The first in the Matt Simmons hunting adventure novel series, It’s Not a Game Anymore, is a MUST for any hunter! For a limited time get your signed copy of this action packed thriller by ordering today!! Click HERE!

There’s still time to order J. Alain Smith’s newest hunting book just in time for Christmas! From now until 12/15, order Chasing the Adventure, and get $10 off ANY other book on the website (No Code Needed! E-books not included)! That’s 2 great gifts or stocking stuffers for 1 great price! ORDER now!